5-1. Host Controlled Products

To use Host controlled products:

Select the ‘Custom’ link from the Single Card or Driver Card screen.


  1. This displays the Modify Products Screen.

  2. Check the box of each product you want the card to authorize.

  3. Select the ‘Save’ button. This saves the product selection and brings you back to the card screen.

  4. Select the ‘Save’ button on the card screen to save the product changes to the card.





NOTE: Any changes to custom products table does not require a new card to be made. However, any change to the ‘Products (card)’ field on the card will generate a new card because this refers to what is physically encoded on the magstripe.   Also Host Based Products on a Traditional 2 card system (including Traditional Floating DID) are set and controlled on a Driver card.

FleetWide Floating DID Products are always Custom and are set and controlled on a Vehicle card.